
English below.



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Thank you for visiting our site, and having interest in Comachi-Cafe

Due to the spread of Corona-virus, we decided to stop all reservation and shorten the open hours for two weeks (may extend) to prevent the situation of overcapacity of medical facilities. Many events have been cancelled, and many of our programs have stopped as well.

However, in this situation, what is most difficult, is for all babies and kids and their mothers and fathers and sometimes their grandparents, who have lost almost all places to go and play and rest. We want to make more laughs and smiles for all of them, so we started “Obento”(Lunch box), so that they can eat outside or at their homes laughing, and started to make 1 minute funny movies, and new online events.

◆Please visit our Instagram

In this situation, in order to continue our café and these new challenges, we need many supports from many people. 70% of our income is by our own earnings (no subsidies), and almost half of this earnings is from Café. This Corona-virus’ impact on our revenue is too big for us, since all our expenses don’t change such as rent and personnel expenses.

If this situation continues for a month, we expect about 400 thousand yen loss in our earnings in Café, 700 thousand yen in our organization total. We are trying to recover as much as possible, but the situation is not easy.

Your 500 yen donation will be one person’s attendance fee that had been lost, 8 person’s 500 yen donation can cover 1 event income. Your 1000yen donation can cover 1 person’s coffee and dessert, that we can not make. We are now predicting about next 18 days may be closed in café-time, 90 people’s 1000 yen donation can cover these days.

Your donation will give us power to continue our challenges, and our café. Thank you for your attention and reading this, and we hope to meet you in our café and programs when our society overcome this situation. Thank you.


